Wednesday, May 20, 2015

         As the school year comes to an end, I am going to be writing my last blog post. There is only memorial day weekend coming up, followed by a four day week, then another four day week with school ending before 12:00!! Summer is right around the corner and I couldn't be happier. Freshman year has been a long year filled with many interesting memories. Although it has been a good year, I cannot wait to be a sophomore and no longer be the youngest students at Palmetto. I remember my first pep rally this year when I heard all the other grade levels yelling "go home freshmen!" 
         I have met so many new people this year that I will never forget, even people that I went to Middle School with and had never met before. I've also taken many new classes and have started figuring out what classes I'm interested in and what I like doing. I was so nervous before this year started and now that it's ending, I always think about how there was absolutely nothing to be nervous about. I hope everyone had a great year, thank you for reading my blog!!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2015


        Recently, Palmetto has been all fights. I guess since the year is winding down, students have felt as if it's okay to do these things but it's really not. Two people got a concussion during the fight and got picked up by an ambulance. It's not only physical fights, there has also been twitter fights that have led to real fights. Maybe it's funny or entertaining to some students but it will not solve ANYTHING! Clearly it hasn't fixed anything but hopefully those were the end of all the fights.
        It's really crazy how all of these things are happening in such a nice neighborhood for such stupid reasons. The students didn't get in trouble since it wasn't in school property. When the police showed up to the fight, they just told the people to go home. They did show up at one persons house that said they were going to bring a gun to school. Palmetto is a great school with great students and great teachers but sometimes the only thing that people hear about is the bad things that happen to the school. People don't ever seem to hear about the good things that are happening like the students who have been getting accepted to some of the best schools in the country from Palmetto. I guess it is what it is, but with only three weeks left students should be happy instead of starting all these fights!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


              After preparing for my interview and making an application, I finally had my yearbook interview. It was very nerve wrecking walking into his classroom and waiting for it to be my turn. I was told to walk into a little closet when they asked me my name and then asked me many questions. Everything was good until I heard the question, "If you were a kitchen utensil, what would you be?" I didn't know how to respond. After all of the questions and looking at my report card, I walked out not really knowing how that went. 
              Lat week, I was home with a fever Thursday and Friday knowing that the yearbook list was going up. I texted my friends to send me it Thursday and they said it wasn't up. Friday it was finally up and I saw my ID at the bottom of the list. I made it. I am now very excited for next year, some of my friend are in it and I am also excited to be part of the school. For me, being part of yearbook isn't just being in another class, it's doing something for the school and meeting all new people. 

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Four more Mondays.. Can we make it?!

        One month left to go!! Although it is only a month, students are getting an overwhelming amount of work to get ready for the EOC's and AP tests. Sometimes it's hard to be a freshman at a brand new school, with 100 times more work than at the middle school and being with brand new people in all of your classes. Teachers are much more strict in High School, turning work in late is no longer acceptable. Even if you did turn in your work but forgot to put your name of date, it will not be accepted.
        Other than being at school, the weekends are much more fun now knowing so many people. School is ten months and summer is two, but sometimes (well... All the time) I just stay wishing that school is two months and summer is ten. Now it's time to figure out what to do over the summer... Community service, staying in touch with friends, hanging out with family. Everything sounded great until I found out I had to do an online course over the summer. Other than that, summer is a time to relax and have fun. Volunteering at a camp this summer, going to sleep away camp and hanging out at home sounds perfect right now and all the time. Four more Monday's left and we're done!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

stop FSA testing for happier students (and teachers)

        "FSA is cancelled, students will be heading back to the classroom," FSA testing has been getting canceled and delayed for a number of days now. The air conditioning system that was reinstalled the weekend before testing started, apparently had broken the system. With english testing, not too much has been going on in my English class. Parents and teachers are getting stressed that students are just sitting in front of a computer dong nothing for two hours. Yesterday, testing went on all day and worked. Now that english testing is almost over; we have math, science, and history EOC's coming up. AP exams are coming up with mock exams being given.
        After all this testing is over, we can finally count down the days until summer. Teachers will be nicer and classes will be easier. 29 school days left starting today with only 5 more Mondays. Early releases and teacher work days are coming up with student vacation days too. Seniors only have a few weeks left and teachers may be more excited than the students… kinda.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Summer is right around the quarter

         After three quarters of freshmen year, the fourth quarter is zooming by. Starting at a whole new school was difficult but almost being done with the year is the best news somebody could tell me. Testing starting, teachers retiring, and students barely coming is what the year is coming too. Seniors are almost graduating with grad bash right around the corner. This week all the seniors have to wear a different outfit to school to show that they are seniors. So far I have seen them wear pajamas and their seniority t-shirts. It's crazy how three years from now, that will be me and all my class mates walking down the halls dressed like that. High school, the best four years of your life, is certainly starting off to a quick start.
           At this point of the year, it's not only fun and games. Students are now rushing to streingthen their GPA. With only six weeks left of the quarter, giving it all you've got isn't the hardest thing to do. Knowing that summer is only a few Monday's away is the only thing getting me, and probably every other student, through the rest of the school year.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

            After freaking out about the first day of High School since eighth grade, freshman year is finally coming to an end. Thinking back at all the time wasted, stressing out about what school would be like this year, I realized High School is no big deal and almost the same as Middle School. Staying at Palmetto since Elementary school has been nice since I've been with the same people and have stayed very close to my house. From starting school at 9:10 to starting school at 7:20, my sleep schedule has been off. Although I can barely keep my eyes open in the morning, I finish at 2:20 instead of 3:50 which is definitely a plus. High School has much more school spirit and school events than the Middle School. From pep rally's to Mr. Panther, Palmetto never fails to keep the students entertained. With all of the clubs and sports the students are able to join, there is no reason that a student can't find something they enjoy doing. There is always so much going on in and out of Palmetto High.
              Starting this year, every grade counts. No matter what we are doing, as soon as the grade goes into the grade book it changes the GPA. Keeping my GPA to the best it can possibly be is definitely hard. Knowing that my future depends on what I do now, in high school, is what makes me do all my work and extra credit at the best I can do.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

This blog will be about what is going on around Miami Palmetto Senior High School from the eyes of a freshman. Starting high school this year has been a huge change from middle school, from meeting all new people to being in a brand new campus, everything has changed. Finishing High School at 2:20 has to be the best advantage of being in this school. Going to school at 7:20 A.M,  then going straight to practice in Key Biscayne is a very long but enjoyable day. Three more years here will certainly be an experience that I am excited to see happen.